Sunday, October 30, 2011

An expression that all have atleas been into once!!

Dated: 30/10/2011

An expression

This is the sketching that i tried to get my thoughts on with my pencil. We all go through hardships and sad times and this is how i feel we all be trying to be lonely and taking things hard!

Its all easy to give up or take our life off but is it the only option?

Or stand up fight until you win is far a better option is what i feel. I will keep trying to acheive something in life.. So just remindin you with the thought that the control of our life is always in our hands. We can either be lonely and become a looser or keep trying until u achieve it. So stand up and fight as nothing is impossible in our lives if we believe in it.


  1. great effort dude,u have expressed your feelings with this sketch....and dnt ever think you are alone,i am always with you...:P :)

  2. Nice thought and nice work too....we are always awaiting for upcoming sketches....
